
2024 Conference Statistics

Approximately 18,500 total registrants. Included in that total are:

  • Exhibit Visitors: 9,886*
  • Conference Attendees: 5,889*
  • Exhibit Personnel: 7,984
  • International Visitors: 2,264 attendees from 55 Countries
  • Press Outlets: 43
  • Exhibiting Companies: 544 companies occupying 473 exhibit spaces in 219,400 net square feet

*All registration categories include access to the exhibit hall, with the number of combined visitors and the 7,984 exhibit personnel already present on the floor, over 18,500 visitors walked the I/ITSEC exhibit halls. **Registration numbers are early estimates, NTSA will audit and if required, will update registration information no later than January 2025. I/ITSEC attendance and participation is open to FVEY, countries who profess neutrality, and NATO Member Countries.
